Sunday, April 3, 2011

Training review, schedule for week of 4 april 2011

So the good news I can say I made progress on the goals I had laid out, and while not 100% fulfillment, my schedule held up pretty well. 

Here's what really happened last week:
28 March, Monday: Ended up being an 'active' rest day, with an hour or so of brisk walking. Work ran late and morning run was traded in for sleep.
29 March, Tuesday: Circuit at SBC (60') followed by 10' of abs and headed over to Redline. Great session at Redline, nearly 2 hours of work! Turns out they already have the head gear I was planning to order on the way, go Redline – glad to give you the profits! Lyle decided I would be sparring on Thursday – nervous!
30 March, Wednesday: overslept till 7:50 am but still made it to the Cambridge Joggers meet up run – I'm supposed to be the organizer, doesn't do to be late! We had a great run, a nice pace for about an hour! Other than the one hill my legs felt surprisingly good… tired, but good. Vinyasa yoga with Whitney was amazing… it really does feel like it's massaging my insides! Need to expand my twist work during the week.
31 March, Thursday: slept in till 9 as was the plan, woke up to an email informing me all plans were scrapped, this would be a long day! I packed EVERYTHING I possibly thought I would need at the end of a long, wet snow/rain, sparring packed evening and headed into work. Felt like a pack horse! Managed to wrap work up by 7ish and headed straight to Redline, let myself just slowly work my head into the game. Sparring went well! It's a whole nother post I feel, but I'm definitely raring for more!
1 April, Friday: April Fool's snow/slush/snot! Run in vibram's in over an inch of slush? I think not! I woke up, took one look outside and went back to sleep. Became an unofficial rest day just that quickly when I didn't get home from work till 7pm. Thanks to consistent icing of my neck, I ended up not being too sore.
2 April, Saturday: Rest day! And it was awesome, ran around on errands with fellow fighter Bryan Yong and in general just tried to smile and be happy. Probably got 3-4 miles of walking on along the way!
3 April, Sunday: Conscientious rest day more than worth it! Even post Pia's class my legs feel great! I even did something crazy and agreed to fight in Pia's May 21st fight for rape awareness – will be a great training fight! For the not quite as good side of things… managed to twist my left big toe on a jump rope handle… hopefully careful application of ice helps this one along as well! I have an 8am running commitment tomorrow morning and vibram's aren't so forgiving on toe injuries!

There were some great highlights to the week, got some running in, yoga… now for the goals for the coming week:

Increase running mileage: I will continue to lead the meet up group morning runs on Monday and Wednesday, but will be switching my Friday run to a Redline girls run @ 6:30 in Central Square with Pia and Emily and others!
Sparring: Hopefully spare at least 2x a week! Pia invited me to join them for post Sunday class sparring and I am definitely in for next week, hopefully with a Thursday spar as well!
Yoga: in addition to Wednesday vinyasa yoga with Whitney I need to be sure to go through my flow and integrate poses post class. Especially twists… I noticed in class my twist flexibility was hurting on my right side.

So here's how we're going to make these goals reality, the plan for the next week:

am: run. Relatively short. 3-4 miles.
pm: mitt and class at SBC.
am: rest.
pm: double session! SBC circuit training followed by skills class and sparring at Redline with Lyle, finish with vinyasa flow
am: short run, just 3-4 miles focus on intervals
pm: vinyasa with whitney
am: rest.
pm: double session! SBC circuit training followed by skills class and sparring at Redline with Lyle, finish with vinyasa flow
am: run with the Redline girls at 6:30am in central – 2.5 mi run to and there so definitely a long one!
pm: rest
am: rest
pm: rest
am: Yoga?
pm: women's class at redline with Pia, sparring post, finish with vinyasa flow

Here's hoping for even better adhearance than last week! Do you think this is realistic? What would you do differently?

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