Sunday, March 27, 2011

training for the coming week 3.27.2011

It’s Sunday evening. My legs are suitably tired from a 90 minute session with Pia over at Redline Fight Sports. My belly is making small murmurings of happiness around the blue burger from All Star Sandwich Bar. (That first bite post Pia’s session was ORGASMIC – perfectly rare, tender beef slathered in buffalo sauce and blue cheese… mrrrow.) Ten quarts of chicken chili are simmering on the stove. (Two weeks’ worth of protein powerhouse meals.) I have a bottle of Original Sin hard cider in my hand and the world is good. Guess that means it’s time to write a post about the week in review. J Flo Rida’s ‘Club Can’t Handle Me’ which seems an appropriate sound track – I did get yelled at for dancing TOO much last week! J

Last Sunday I posted a training schedule, and I have to say, for better or worse, what actually happened was drastically different. Here’s what actually happened and why.
Monday:  Woke up with my belly sour and very unhappy. Took an extra  hour or 2 of sleep, which really didn’t help. Despite feeling like crap and tired all day the session at SBC wasn’t so bad but legs were very heavy – not a promising way to return after 3 days rest! (Maybe the Saturday dancing storm WAS a bit much. )
Tuesday: Slept in, felt a bit more rested but nowhere near a ‘catch up.’ Strange muscle twitch all day in my left forearm. Double session at SBC followed by Redline (6 to 10pm)– double the plyo’s! was probably a total of 40 minutes of plyo’s not even sure how I was moving at the end of the session at Redline – but I was! I really enjoyed w’s teaching style, definitely going to try to see him more. He has a Wednesday morning session @ 7:15… it’s a thought… but not sure how I will handle being at Redline only 9 sparse hours after leaving!
Wednesday: Slept in. Missed yoga, no thanks to work. Did a 30 minute stretching session at home. Caught up on groceries and home stuff.
Thursday: Woke up EXHAUSTED. Is there no end to this week? Can’t I get enough sleep? Double session went surprisingly well. I showed up feeling tired and unmotivated but at the end of the circuit Dan had us running lines like mad, which left me feeling great! Apparently if I’m feeling down it’s time for a run!! My mental tiredness showed through on mitt work with Jeff but legs still felt awesome as I made the trip over to Redline. Lyle put me through my paces, was definitely tired at the end of it all! By 10pm I was ready to just lay down but stuck around to get some slip drills to work on/visualize on my own.
Friday: Interview in the morning and meeting Andrew in the evening! I knew I was going to have a nutty morning, was up at 7 feeling pretty rested. No real workout for the day but ~5 miles of walking around and about. A good active rest day.
Saturday: Rest day!!! Woke up at 10 am already feeling a ton more rested. Other than walking the dogs kept mostly off my feet and made it a real rest day.
Sunday: Slept until 10am, first day in a while woke up feeling RESTED. Let’s see if I can hold that feeling more than 23 hrs this week. Decided since Saturday became a rest day to ease into things with Pia’s women’s only class at redline, having heard good things. Given it was at 5pm, seemed a great way to ease into the week of training. Was well worth it! Pia gave a great cardio session with a great amount of technique worked in. I finished it off with an AWESOME well earned burger at the all star sandwich bar. Orgasmic. Amazing. I’m gonna do this every Sunday. What a way to start the training week.

So where do we go from here? What is the plan for next week? Well I think it’s become obvious the lifting schedule is benefiting no one. I need to work my running back into the schedule and for the most part retire most of the lifting, except for shoulders and upper back. So let’s try to put something together, shall we?

Goals for next week: Start ramping up the running schedule again. Work in a shoulder/upper back lift. DO NOT MISS YOGA.  Here’s a schedule to accomplish that.
am: run. Relatively short. 2-3 miles.
pm: mitt and class at SBC.
am: rest.
pm: double session! SBC circuit training followed by skills class and sparring at Redline with Lyle
am: short run, just 2-3 miles focus on intervals
pm: vinyasa with whitney
am: rest.
pm: double session! SBC circuit training followed by skills class and sparring at Redline with Lyle
am:  short run, just 2-3 miles focus on intervals
pm: rest
am: rest
pm: rest
am: rest
pm: women’s class at redline with Pia

Here’s hoping this is a realistic schedule, opinions anyone? What exercises would you recommend for my shoulders and upper back?

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